OUr policy and your rights
Here at Aem Hai we understand that your personal data is just that - PERSONAL. We only store our members general data (Names, addresses and contact numbers) for emergency purposes, gradings, and any Aem Hai related events. We also ask for consent to photograpghs being taken and the possiblity that they may be used on our webite or facebook pages. You can of course opt out of this when you fill in your emergency contact form when joining Aem Hai Academy and we respect your choice.
Our emergency contact forms are be updated annually.
Your personal data will be kept on an encrypted computer and will NOT ever be shared.
If you wish to end your training with us (Though we're sure you'll love us!) you must inform your instructor and we will remove all stored data that we have for you. If for unforeseen circumstances you cannot / do not inform us, we will assume you intend on continuing your training with us and will only keep your details until the annual renewal is due, then if not renewed they will be removed from our system entirely.
We hope this has made things clearer for you about how your data is stored and used.
Any questions please do just ask.